Four partner organizations are participating in this project.
The Friends of the Collier County Museum is a nonprofit organization formed in 1987 to provide financial support and advocacy for the Collier County Museum Division. They are raising the funds to make the Black History Baggage Car a reality.
The NAACP Collier Chapter is a driving force behind rallying public support for this project and assuring its completion. They are the leading organization advising the Museum with respect to content and representation.
The Collier County Museum Division operates and maintains the Depot Museum and its train cars. The Museum Division will provide professional oversight of the construction project and once construction is complete the Museum Division will deliver professional operations, exhibits, events, and programming in the Baggage Car.
Southwest Heritage, Inc. is a nonprofit organization formed in 1973 for the purpose of saving the historic Naples train depot. They lease the Depot Museum to Collier County and assure any changes honor the historic nature of the building and the train cars.
